Joliet Slip and Fall Lawyer

A dangerous condition can cause you to slip and fall on someone else’s property. If the property owner was negligent, they could be responsible for your injuries and damages. However, proving a premises liability claim in Joliet, Illinois, can be challenging without the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer.

Since 2009, Zayed Law Offices Personal Injury Attorneys has been fighting for the rights of injured victims and their families. Our lawyers have a 99% success rate for the personal injury cases we handle. Our lawyers have decades of combined experience handling personal injury cases and have recovered over $100 million in jury verdicts and settlements.

Contact our personal injury law firm today at (815) 726-1616 to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced Joliet slip and fall accident attorneys.

How Zayed Law Offices Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help if You’ve Been Injured in a Slip and Fall Accident in Joliet, Illinois

How Zayed Law Offices Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help if You’ve Been Injured in a Slip and Fall Accident in Joliet, Illinois

Experience is an essential qualification to consider when hiring a Joliet slip and fall accident lawyer, as is a track record of success and recognition. 

Our Joliet personal injury lawyers have been featured on CBS and WGN America, as well as in the Chicago Tribune and Forbes. They are highly rated by Super Lawyers and Best Lawyers. We are honored to be recognized by The National Trial Lawyers in their Top 40 list of Civil Plaintiff lawyers.

When you hire our top-rated slip and fall accident lawyers in Joliet, you can trust that we will:

  • Investigate the cause of your slip and fall accident to identify the hazards or dangerous conditions that caused your fall
  • Consult expert witnesses and specialists
  • Analyze evidence to develop a legal strategy for your claim
  • Evaluate your damages to determine the value of your slip and fall claim
  • File insurance claims and negotiate insurance settlements
  • Proceed to trial and argue your case to a jury if the other party refuses to agree to a fair settlement

Our attorneys take cases for a contingency fee. You do not pay any attorney’s fees upfront when you hire our law firm, and we only get paid if you do.

Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced slip-and-fall accident lawyer in Joliet, IL.

Zayed Law Offices Personal Injury Attorneys Handles All Types of Slip and Fall Cases

A slip, trip, and fall can happen anywhere. Our lawyers handle claims involving slip and fall accidents at:

  • Restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and clubs
  • Schools, colleges, and daycares
  • Gas stations
  • Nursing homes, doctor’s offices, hospitals, and other medical facilities
  • Grocery stores, shopping malls, warehouse stores, and big box stores
  • Gyms and sports facilities
  • Office buildings
  • Parking lots and garages
  • Entertainment venues

Slip and fall accidents occur on private, commercial, government, and business property. In addition to the property owner, other parties could be liable for damages, including landlords, tenants, business owners, government entities, and management companies.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents in Joliet, IL

Numerous hazards and situations can cause a slip, trip, and fall. Examples of dangers and property conditions that could cause a slip and fall include:

  • Loose or damaged flooring and carpeting
  • Slick and slippery surfaces
  • Ice and snow
  • Uneven pavement, cracks, and potholes
  • Missing and broken stairs and handrails
  • Puddles and spills on the floor
  • Garbage and debris
  • Cables and electric wires
  • Uneven floor surfaces

Our Joliet slip and fall accident attorneys help you prove that the property owner neglected their duty of care to provide safe premises. We’ll pursue claims to hold negligent and careless property owners responsible for the harm you suffered because of a fall.

What Should I Do After a Slip and Fall Accident in Joliet, IL?

Report the fall to the property owner as soon as possible. Take pictures of the accident scene and make a video to preserve evidence. The property owner may correct the hazard before you return or hire a lawyer. Ask eyewitnesses for their contact information.

It is crucial that you seek medical care as soon as possible after a fall. Falls can cause severe injuries. However, some injuries may have delayed symptoms. Seeking prompt medical treatment can reduce the risk of health complications but also strengthens the evidence for a slip and fall claim.

It is also wise to seek prompt legal advice after a slip and fall accident. The property owner or insurance company may make a quick settlement offer. However, the proposed settlement amount may be much less than your case is worth.

Talk with one of our Joliet slip and fall lawyers before you accept a settlement offer, make a statement, or sign papers for the insurance company. Legal representation protects your rights and best interests.

Slip and Fall Accidents in Joliet Cause Severe Injuries

Insurance adjusters often downplay slips, trips, and falls as minor accidents. However, slip-and-fall accidents can cause catastrophic injuries and life-threatening conditions.

Examples of slip and fall injuries include:

  • Broken and fractured bones
  • Sprains and strains
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Internal organ damage and bleeding
  • Soft tissue injuries and nerve damage
  • Concussions and skull fractures
  • Facial injuries
  • Loss of limbs and amputations
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
  • Neck injuries and whiplash
  • Back injuries

If you slipped and fell, see a doctor as soon as possible. Then, call Zayed Law Offices Personal Injury Attorneys for a free appointment with an attorney.

Proving Liability for a Slip and Fall Accident in Joliet, IL

As the injured party, you have the burden of proving the legal elements required to hold a property owner or other responsible party liable for damages. The burden of proof in a slip-and-fall case is by a preponderance of the evidence, which is not as high as the burden of proof in criminal cases.

Illinois premises liability laws require you to prove the following legal elements for a slip and fall claim:

  • You had a legal right to be on the property because of the owner’s implied or express consent
  • The property owner had a duty of care to protect you from non-obvious hazards and dangers on the property
  • There was a dangerous condition or hazard on the property when you fell
  • The property owner knew or should have known about the dangerous condition or hazard and failed to provide adequate warnings or fix the problem
  • You tripped or slipped and fell because of the condition; and,
  • You sustained injuries and damages because of the fall

At Zayed Law Offices Personal Injury Attorneys, our legal team aggressively investigates your fall to gather evidence proving the above elements. Evidence in a slip and fall case could include statements from witnesses, medical records, photographs of the accident scene, and videos of your fall.

What Damages Are Available for a Slip and Fall Accident in Joliet, IL?

Damages represent the losses and harm you suffer because of an accident or personal injury. Illinois personal injury laws provide compensatory damages, including economic damages for monetary losses and non-economic damages for pain and suffering.

Examples of damages in a slip and fall accident case include:

  • The cost of medical care and treatment, including future medical bills for permanent disabilities
  • The loss of income, including future lost wages and decreases in earning capacity
  • Emotional distress, physical discomfort, and mental anguish
  • In-home nursing and/or personal care, including household services
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Scarring, impairments, disabilities, and disfigurement
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Rehabilitative therapies

In addition to compensatory damages, a jury could award punitive damages. However, punitive damages are limited to a small number of personal injury lawsuits. You must prove that the defendant acted with an evil motive or with an outrageous and reckless disregard for the harm they could cause and the rights of others.

Our Joliet slip and fall accident lawyers work to maximize the compensation you receive for your damages. We meticulously document damages to increase the value of your slip and fall claim.

Can I Receive Compensation for a Claim if I’m Partially to Blame for My Slip and Fall Accident in Joliet, IL?

In some states, being partially to blame for your slip and fall could prevent you from receiving money for your claim. However, Illinois uses a modified comparative negligence standard instead of a strict contributory negligence standard. If you are 51% or more at fault for your fall, you are barred from receiving money for your claim.

However, if you are less than 51% to blame, you can receive a portion of the value of your damages. The amount is pro-rated based on your percentage of fault for the slip and fall accident. Therefore, if you are 10% to blame for causing your fall, you would receive 90% of your damages instead of the full amount.

Our Joliet slip and fall accident attorneys thoroughly understand the contributory fault laws in Illinois. Insurance companies and defense attorneys often try to shift the blame to the victim to avoid paying damages. We are prepared for this tactic and ready to fight to protect your rights.

What Is the Deadline to File a Slip and Fall Lawsuit in Joliet, IL?

The Illinois statute of limitations sets deadlines for filing personal injury lawsuits. When a person files a lawsuit after the deadline passes, the court can dismiss it. Therefore, if you wait too long to pursue a claim, you could lose the right to file a lawsuit.

The deadline for most slip and fall lawsuits is two years from the date of injury. However, exceptions to the statute of limitations and factors in your case could change the deadline. Therefore, we strongly urge you to contact our Joliet slip and fall accident lawyers as soon as possible after your injury.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Joliet Slip and Fall Accident Lawyers

Did you trip, slip, and fall on someone else’s property? If so, we are here to help you pursue a claim for damages. Call Zayed Law Offices to schedule a free case review with one of our experienced Joliet slip and fall accident attorneys.